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Sick of LIES propagated by Journalists, etc., Concerning The European Union, Donald Trump, etc…WAKE-UP PEOPLE!

Never in my life did I ever believe that so many, seemingly intelligent people could be SO incredibly IGNORANT AND STUPID, but after listening to a woman by the name of Carole Cadwalladr, that belief has well and truly gone.

Carole Cadwalladr, who is some, (so-called) journalist, did a ‘Ted Talks’, which has been watched by over 2 million people. A random tweet which appeared on my feed prompted me into finding out what she had said in this talk.

After listening to her for a couple of minutes, I found myself shaking my head in dismay and disbelief at some of the outlandish remarks I heard her make. I quickly concluded that she is one of too many people who have access to the mainstream media platform, where she is able to spout her anti-Brexit, anti-Trump, etc., guff….(For a moment, whilst listening to her rhetoric, I suddenly imagined her as being one of the many air-headed women who I witnessed standing at the edge of Greek shores or on German railway station platforms, blindly welcoming onto European shores thousands upon thousands of migrantjmen from Africa and the Middle-East, without ANY care or concern as to who or what many of those men’s evil intentions were).

This is her ‘Ted Talk’:

I have so little patience for women like her, who stand in public and project their sense of moral superiority and self-righteousness, virtue-signalling onto others their misguided beliefs, with absolutely no idea or care of how damaging their actions might be to others…I had been perplexed, confused and very distressed by what I saw, but after several years’ of seeing and hearing about the horrific consequences of these idiots’ actions, I am NOW furious and disgusted with them all.

If only there was a way to have every single one of them put on trial in some special court of justice; specifically for the fools who condoned the mass invasions, (with ME being the judge of course) – I could sentence them to a life of having to live among those people in perpetuity. Only then do I have a sense that they MIGHT see the error of their ways….but, saying that….

The Globalists’ plans to overrun Europe and America with Third-World migrants is coming to fruition right before my eyes and I am horrified with how many ‘normal’ people and politicians are standing back and letting this happen. The crime rates in every single country that these, so-calle,d migrants and refugees have entered, have all gone through the roof! To learn that Sweden, YES, SWEDEN has become known as the ‘Rape CAPITAL of Europe’..is just devastating, but do you know what makes it so much worse? The fact that the people responsible for running those countries have done practically NOTHING to tackle the devastation, but to the contrary, have done everything they can to cover it all up!

I blame the EU leaders and all involved with the running of our countries, with permitting the modern, what I will call: ‘The Fall of The European Empire in the 21st Century’. The Barcelona Declaration of 1995, The Maastricht Treaty, The Lisbon Treaty, etc., and others, all have details within them which would explain how this sorry state of affairs has been permitted to flourish. It is all so sad and unforgivable…..

Anyway, this Carole Cadwalldr woman is sadly one of too many ‘journalists’, who has used her privileged platform to spread her ignorant opinion of what the European Union is; what Brexit truly means; who President Trump is and what his motives and achievements are to mention just a few point.

I wish I could find it funny that this lefty was complaining about what she perceived as unfair bias and control that she accused Facebook of allegedly having with regards to Brexit and Donald Trump’s election, but I’m afraid that I couldn’t, as it’s down to people exactly like her which has given companies like Twitter and Facebook so much outrageous censorship power in the first place, by DEMANDING of those companies and others, that those she saw as having differing opinions to her needed to be shut down or censored.

People with her mentality demand that people like me, (conservative/libertarian), be silenced, because of her biased opinion about what she thinks should and should not be permitted to be spoken about or expressed – she is a perfect example of the ‘PC’ culture or what I will now refer to as modern fascism.

One way I would describe her is as a person who says, “Do as I say, NOT as I do.” She (falsely) believes that she is on the moral high-ground. It is so very, very bizarre. She and I are on a juxtaposition of political/social beliefs, but the crucial factor is that where once we might have been able to stand in front of each other and debate about our positions, freely and civilly, nowadays that would be nigh-on impossible. She is in the ‘Feelings, NOT Facts matter’ camp….

Her claims that she made about Brexit, Donald Trump, etc., are so far removed from reality that I should probably feel sorry for her, as she has been afflicted with a modern phenomena of what I’d term as mental-health ‘viruses’ such as: ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ or ‘TDS’ for short, symptoms of which include an extreme and irrational dislike, nay hatred, for everything that President Trump says or does regardless of whether what is being said is fact or fiction; also, ‘Brexit No-Deal Derangement Syndrome’ or ‘BNDDS’, (which I think I’ve just created), symptoms of this are similar to ‘TDS’, but which concern the voters as a whole, who opted for Brexit.

She and many, many other mainstream media outlets have been promulgating such untruths and so many absolutely appalling and disgusting downright lies concerning Brexit, President Trump, Nigel Farage, populism, nationalism, etc., for so many years, that there is now an inordinate number of everyday, ‘regular’ people, (I’ve not only met on the streets, but some of whom I know personally), who’s opinions have been heavily and seemingly almost permanently set in stone, in that regardless of what I, (and others), try to do, like referring them to official sources of documentation, etc., which contradict their misinformed beliefs, that they flatly, blindly and blatantly refuse to even listen.

It is a form of brainwashing, the likes of which I have only ever seen in countries like North Korea and China, which have total and complete censorship of their media. Never in my wildest nightmares, would I have believed that this sort of biased brainwashing could be possible in Western societies, with open access to the internet, etc.

However; despite the negativity and apparent bleakness which I have described above over what I feel is going on, in my next article I will write about a speck of light that I’ve just seen twinkle at the end of the very, very long tunnel of lefty social and mainstream media darkness; the twinkle of light emanated from a source which is not very well known in the UK, but which came to You Tube prominence in a big way during the last US presidential election. One man and his incredible team of people, in particular, has given me a glimmer of hope, concerning this critical situation and I will elaborate on who he is and what he has done very soon.

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