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Meeting Positive People!!

Just to say how lovely it was to meet two young men, who support Brexit, Farage and are members of Turning Point UK. They found the fact that I was the person responsible for popping the stupid Trump Blimp on the 4th June great and hilarious…so much so, that they asked for a photo with me! ๐Ÿ˜Š

I also met a man by the name of Alex, who is a pro-Brexit activist outside Parliament a short time after I’d met the two young guys; Alex was also thrilled that I had popped the blimp he was genuinely thrilled that that thing had been popped! ๐Ÿ˜‚ He also wanted a selfie with me…(he said he didn’t normally do selfies, but wanted one with me – I was honoured)!

Alex and me…

I love patriotism!!

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