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The TRUTH about The EU…The ‘Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft, 1942 Berlin…Episode 1:

Europaische Wirtschafts1

This is a link to my reading of this shocking document titled the ‘Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft’ or the ‘European Economic Community’ aka ‘EEC’ for short, which was put together in Berlin in 1942; it was a collection of a series of lectures made by various members of the Nazi party, (NSDAP), of how Germany could potentially ‘conquer’ Europe – NOT militarily, obviously, but rather through economic means, (ESPECIALLY, Great Britain & NI), by stealth.

Once read (or heard in this case), it can NEVER be forgotten and I would implore everyone who does read or listen to it, in its entirety, to PLEASE do something about it in order to try to rescue this once, truly GREAT COUNTRY, BEFORE it’s too late…..

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