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Crazy times…

It is quite incredible how things have evolved in a very, very short space of time – from events in Speaker’s Corner, where I have previously challenged the police for not upholding the law, (with regards to ‘public assembly’ and Muslim prayer); to being, (falsely), accused of a homophobic hate crime and assault for telling a man to “Have a gay day” and having to push him back after he came at me aggressively, physically intimidating me, with his finger in my face and towering over me!

I genuinely cannot believe the madness which has unfolded, (and is STILL unfolding), as a result!

My saving grace was that I managed to livestream several disturbing encounters with the police, (concerning the ridiculous remark), and also live streamed the discussions I had with the police at Speaker’s Corner! The following is an article, which has linked the two, without checking with me first……connected? Who knows?


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