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Spring Time in England! Baby budgies…..

A total change of tack – from UK politics and Islam to England and Spring-time newborns! I went by my favourite farm called Pangdean, which is located just 10 minutes from my home, (but feels much further, due to the total change of scenery – mine is in town and Pangdean is in the countryside), in order to drop Poppy off for a couple of days.
Whilst there, I decided to check-up on the budgie aviary, which has about 15 birds in it. I then checked on the breeding boxes, which is located adjacent to the aviary, in an enclosed shed-like structure and to my great surprise, I saw three little babies, (at first I thought there were only two, but on second inspection, I saw a super-tiny one and three unhatched eggs)!
I am happy to say that I managed to capture this on Periscope for others to enjoy!

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